Review: Nocturnal by Chelsea M. Cameron
Title: Nocturnal
Series: The Noctails Chronicles 1
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron
Publisher: Chelsea M. Cameron
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Goodreads Synopsis:
Seventeen-year-old Ava-Claire Sullivan's mother is dying. Perhaps it's no surprise, then, that her greatest solace comes from someone who's already dead.
Peter Hart saves her one night in a graveyard from an attacker just as strange as he is, and now Ava can't stop thinking about him. She wants to see him again – even after he warns her he's dangerous, and she begins to realize what he is. Her best friends don't know anything about death, but Peter does, intimately. He's waiting for her the next night she comes to the cemetery, and the next...
But their growing bond comes up against a promise Peter made a long time ago, a promise that could destroy them both. Now Ava has to decide just what she's willing to give up to hold onto the one thing that could last forever.
What I thought:
Chelsea M. Cameron is a goddess. No seriously, I worship her. My Favorite Mistake is one of my absolute favorites and Nocturnal is just as fantastic!
It approaches the subject of Ava's dying mother with care but not careful. Ava goes through the anger, the hopelessness, the sadness and every other emotion that comes with losing someone you love, and Cameron does it perfectly. You really felt everything with Ava and not just reading about it.
Ava's such a great character. That girl got good spunk! I love her humor and I love how grounded she is. Okay, so this is a paranormal book. She's as grounded as someone who's dabbling with the Noctails can be. Her relationship with her friends are crackling while her mother perishes and she's trying to be there for everyone while still looking out for her own mental health. Not an easy feat I can tell you, but she does good.
Peter is old, like, really old. Noticeable not only when he speaks, which isn't a lot, but sometimes in the way he acts. Since he doesn't really say much it takes a while t get to know him, and that's in no way a bad thin, on the contrary. I love the bits written in Peter's POV, they're telling and intriguing but still mysterious and very slowly they unfurl him as a character. Beautiful!
The plot is intriguing and mysterious and never gives away what might happen next. It is a wonderful story about friction in friendships, the love and hate relationship to a parent (we've all hate our parents at one time or an other in our lives) and dealing with the knowledge of loss with the actual loss yet to come and how to go on living with that knowledge. Oh, and a hot mysterious guy you just can't stay away from even though you know he's bad for you!
About the author:
Chelsea M. Cameron is a YA/NA New York Times/USA Today Best Selling author from Maine. Lover of things random and ridiculous, Jane Austen/Charlotte and Emily Bronte Fangirl, red velvet cake enthusiast, obsessive tea drinker, vegetarian, former cheerleader and world's worst video gamer. When not writing, she enjoys watching infomercials, singing in the car and tweeting (this one time, she was tweeted by Neil Gaiman). She has a degree in journalism from the University of Maine, Orono that she promptly abandoned to write about the people in her own head. More often than not, these people turn out to be just as weird as she is.
Find out more through her website!
[…] M. Cameron before have been fantastic and Nocturnal sounded just as promising. After I read it (my review) I just new I had to read the rest of the series. Both book one, two and three was on sale on […]
ReplyDelete[…] I thought: I loved the first book in this series (review here). It had a slower pace than I’d normally appreciate but it introduced so many new things that […]
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