One Lovely Blog Award

The girls over at MegaMad4Books nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award and you can't even begin to imagine how honored I am. I've been blogging for just three months so this is a huge deal for me, to know that someone appreciates what I do so much. So thank you Meg and Maddi!

So here are the rules:

1. Add the “One Lovely Blog Award” image to your post
2. Share seven things about you
3. Pass the award on to seven nominees
4. Thank the person who nominated you
5. Inform the nominees by posting on their blogs

Seven facts about me:

I'd much rather spend a two week vacation in the French alps than in Hawaii. Or maybe Whistler. Or anywhere with awesome in- and off-pist skiing and a good apré-ski really. I'd take that any day over a vacation in the sun and at the beach.

I know a lot of useless stuff. Like why you get a runny nose when it's cold outside, why women's shirts have their button's to the left while men's have their on the right, and that the longest word you can type on a standard English keyboard using only one row is "typewriter" and the longest using just one hand is "stewardesses". When will I ever have use of all this information?

I'm a complete science nerd. I can talk about cells, like actual skin and blood cells, and the lungs and a kidney for hours. Not kidding. And snicker when I read chemistry jokes.

I love board games! Having a few people over to play board games all night sounds like an AWESOME Friday night.

I want to win the Noble prize in Medicine. Isn't that every researchers dream? And don't they say to dream big?

I came in fifth in the Swedish Long Driving Championship a couple of years ago. It's golf, but instead of playing 18 holes and see who has the lowest score everybody hits six balls from the same place and the one who hits the furthers wins. You get to hit the crap out of the poor ball while they're playing loud music and everybody's cheering. It's awesome!

I am the master of complaining. I can find something to complain about at ALL times and in ANY situation. Like, imagine a perfect day at the beach. The air has just the right temperature, the water is warm, there's a light breeze, and me saying that the ocean is to salty...

I hope that was random enough for you!

My Nominees:

Crissi @ Chrissi Reads

Malin @ Nilmas Bokhylla

Frida @ Fridas bokhylla

Lucy @ The Reading Date

Kimberly @ Book Swoon

Jess and Tom @ The Reading Nook


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